


public class NativeFileSOMobile : INativeFileSO 


Provides methods for native file open and share functionality on Android and iOS.


See NativeFileSO for a more in-depth overview of how to use the individual methods.


public event Action<OpenedFile[]> FilesWereOpened

This event fires when files were opened without the user being manually prompted to open files from within the app. This occurs if certain file types have been associated with the application.


public void OpenFile (SupportedFileType[], Action<bool, OpenedFile>)

Presents a native dialog to the user which allows them to select a single file to be opened. The selected file contents are then loaded into memory managed by an instance of the OpenedFile class.

public void OpenFiles (SupportedFileType[], Action<bool, OpenedFile[]>)

Presents a native dialog to the user which allows them to select multiple files to be opened at once. The selected file contents are then loaded into memory managed by instances of the OpenedFile class.

public void SaveFile (FileToSave)

Presents a native dialog to the user which allows them to select a save location for the specified file and copies the file to that location.